is coconut oil healthy

The Genius Diet

I’m always amazed at how intertwined our diet is to our overall health and wellbeing. Growing up, I wasn’t too aware of the types of food I was putting in my body. It never occurred to me what I ate would impact my skin, much less my brain. But it’s true, more and more research is making the connection between certain foods and the ability to strengthen the brain. Right now, the Byrd Alzheimer’s Institute is studying if the ketones created by coconut oil can help fuel the brain when it stops processing glucose, as in the case with Alzheimer’s. […]

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Coconut Oil Nutrition—A Different Kind of Fat

Coconut oil is a fat, just like butter, olive oil and canola oil are fats. But not all fats are nutritionally equal. Far from it. And that’s where the real coconut oil nutrition story begins. Coconut oil contains small amounts of iron and vitamins E and K, is rich in antioxidant compounds, provides 117 calories per tablespoon, the same as most other oils, and 13.6 grams of total fat—87% of that is saturated. That’s when eyebrows might be raised. But it’s the type of saturated fat that makes virgin coconut oil stand out from the rest. All fats and oils […]

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Coconut Oil, Heart Health and You

How’s your heart health? It could be better by including virgin coconut oilin your diet. That’s the take-home message from a recent animal study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and a review of studies on dietary fats and health in Advances in Nutrition. Here’s the lowdown: All fats and oils are made up of fatty acids. Some saturated fatty acids clog arteries and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the specific saturated fatty acids found in virgin coconut oil may help improve heart health in a number of ways by: 1) Preventing blood pressure from rising 2) […]

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