Simply…Gluten Free Desserts

Gluten-Free Chef, Carol Kicinski

  After 15 years of eating and cooking gluten free, Carol Kicinski founded Simply…Gluten Free in 2007 as a gluten-free recipe and lifestyle blog and website. Its purpose is to educate, assist and inspire those with celiac disease or intolerance to gluten, dairy, peanut, grain or other allergy elements, or those with vegan preferences. To date, she has motivated millions to live HAPPY allergen-free lives! Carol’s core philosophy is “Look at the world of food in terms of what I CAN eat – not what I can’t!” Her recipe motto is “Gluten-free recipes that are not just “good for gluten-free” […]


May is Celiac Awareness Month

  What is Celiac disease?  The simple answer is a person with gluten intolerance.  We talked with Linda, The Gluten Free Homemaker, who was diagnosed with Celiac disease back in 2000.  As Linda explains,  “Celiac disease is an autoimmune disease that is triggered by the protein gluten which is found in wheat, rye, barley, and contaminated oats.  When gluten is consumed, the body attacks itself.  Specifically, it damages the villi which line the small intestine.  This damage results in malabsorption of nutrients.”  The unfortunate thing is that when someone is affected with Celiac disease, if they eat wheat, their body […]