why use coconut oil

Common Fitness Mistakes We All Make

Happy National Fitness Day!When I first started getting into fitness, I really had no clue what I was doing. From the dieting to workouts, I gained a lot of my knowledge that I have today from constantly reading fitness magazines and doing my research. There are so many diets out there and styles of training that sometimes it gets completely overwhelming. It took me a while, but going through trial and error, I’ve found a training style and diet regimen that I’m happy with.Going through the motions, I can’t express how many mistakes I’ve made thinking I was being healthy, […]

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Oil Pulling Method

Today is Dentist’s Day! How many people actually enjoy going to the dentist? What makes us dread the dentist so much? And how are we supposed to remember to floss, brush, and mouthwash twice a day, everyday?! We don’t have the answer to ANY of these questions, but we do have the answer to improving your overall oral hygiene… COCONUT OIL!“Oil pulling is a practice dating back thousands of years, having originated with Ayurvedic medicine. When oil pulling is combined with the antimicrobial power of coconut oil, you have one very powerful health tool.” says Dr. Mercola, a renowned natural […]


Why Consume Coconut Oil During Pregnancy?

Staying active and getting the proper nutrition is so important during pregnancy. With food aversions, pregnancy cravings, and the dreadful non-stop tiredness, I know it’s hard, but so worth it for both you and your baby.Now that I’m almost 36 weeks pregnant, I’m especially focusing on incorporating healthy fats such as coconut oil and omega-3 rich foods into my daily diet, along with lean proteins, carbohydrates, fruits, and vegetables.There are so many benefits of consuming coconut oil during pregnancy and I highly recommend anyone to start during their first trimester. Here’s why –Natural Energy – Coconut oil has helped tremendously […]

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