DIY Natural Deodorant

DIY Natural Deodorant

As time goes on, I am realizing that I want less “chemicals” in my home and more natural ingredients within the home. I’m not sure if this has something to do with having children or not, but it certainly helps with my decision. I often find that if you are reading the labels of your favorite health products at the grocery store, there are many ingredients that you cannot pronounce, or include aluminum or parabens. Parabens have been identified in breast cancer tumor biopsies and aluminum isn’t good for the body as there has been scientific evidence  shown that aluminum exposure is associated with the development of Alzheimer’s Disease.

I’m not saying that if you are using a store-bought deodorant that you will get breast cancer or develop Alzheimer’s, however I feel that if the information is out there, we should be aware of it. I use store-bought deordorant, I have used it for as long as I started needing deodorant! I just recently started seeing ways to make your own at home and I instantly became intrigued. I also found out that making it wasn’t that difficult and would probably save me money!


  • 6 tablespoons Kelapo coconut oil
  • 1/4 cup baking soda
  • 1/4 cup arrowroot or cornstarch
  • essential oils; optional


  1. Mix baking soda and arrowroot together in a medium sized bowl
  2. Mix in coconut oil with a fork until well-blended.
  3. Add essential oils; if desired.
  4. Store in a small glass jar or old deodorant container for easy use.

I found this recipe very easy and convenient because I had all of the ingredients on hand, except for the cornstarch. I’ve always used a clinical strength store bought brand because honestly, I sweat easily! Using the homemade version deodorant gave me great coverage, so I don’t sweat about the sweat anymore! I also found that my underarms became a lot smoother, which can  probably be contributed to the coconut oil as it is a natural moisturizer.

For more natural remedies try my homemade toothpaste or lip balm!


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