coconut oil uses

Top Coconut Oil Uses of 2014

Reflecting on 2014, I have found so many uses for coconut oil that I always try to share with all my family and friends. For those of you who are not familiar with coconut oil, it’s used as a replacement for butter or oil in a 1:1 ratio when cooking and baking. Coconut oil contains medium chain triglycerides, the most recognizable of them being lauric acid. Just like coconut oil, lauric acid is also found in breast milk. Rich in antioxidants, lauric acid and other medium chain triglycerides may help the body absorb important nutrients and minerals, as well as […]

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A Health Coach’s Top 5 Uses for Coconut Oil

When you think of coconut oil, you think about cooking with it, right?  You know that it is a great substitute for butter and other oils.  It is healthier, tastier and natural. But….. Did you know that it has over 150 other uses as well? Here are my favorite ways to use Kelapo Coconut Oil.  My clients would agree that some of these tips have changed their life.  As a Moisturizer — Your skin will be super soft using virgin coconut oil in place of your expensive lotions without all the toxic ingredients.  It does not clog pores and actually […]

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Recipes for Your Health

As a mother and a wife I want to ensure that my husband and son are getting nutritious meals throughout the day. This can sometimes be difficult, especially as a working female, because things are always busy and time tends to fly by. At least, that is what it feels like in my household! I’m always looking for new recipes and ways to cut down time in the kitchen, this led me to an article in the New York Times about Recipes for Health. “Recipes for Health offers recipes with an eye towards empowering you to cook healthy meals every day. […]

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