healthy eating

Waistline Wednesday: 5 Tips and Tricks for Healthy Salad Eating

When you think of a salad, you think of a delicious and healthy meal filled with nutrients for your body. However, I have found this somewhat untrue for salads that may be on the menu at your favorite restaurants! Instead of filling your body with the nutrients that you need, you are filling it with excess sodium and fat.I’m here to show you tips and tricks for making your salads healthier or choosing the right type of salad when going out to eat. Ask for salad dressing on the side – This is the biggest thing that you can do […]

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Essential Nutrients for Clean Eating

With changing my lifestyle to eating clean and exercising regularly, I have had so many questions on how I’ve achieved my weight loss goals. The two key techniques that I have found to be successful for my body have been eliminating sugar and adding in healthy fats, such as coconut oil, into my diet. As a disclaimer, these methods are what work for me, but keep in mind that everyone’s body is different and responds to different methods of dieting. Brendan Brazier recently wrote an article on what a plant-based athletes shopping cart looks like, which was right on point […]

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Five Ways to Spring Clean Your Diet

Now that spring is here, finally, a lot of us are gearing up for spring cleaning. While yes, it is important to scrub every corner of your home once in a while, why not concentrate on your pantry? Registered dietitian Carrie Gabriel, from Steps2Nutrition, shares her tips for spring cleaning your diet. 1. Eat Healthy Fats According to Gabriel, fats are not the (complete) enemy in the American diet. “Your body actually needs fat in order to aid in the absorption of certain vitamins, therefore a diet devoid of fat is, in fact, a diet that’d leave you devoid of […]

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