Kelapo 50/50 blend

Tips For Completing Your First Whole 30/Tips For Going Paleo

I’ll be sharing the best tips for going Paleo and completing your first Whole30! This blog post is mainly for those of you who are currently doing these diets or those of you who are interested in trying them out! But first what is Whole30 and Paleo?Whole30 is a diet where you do not ingest anything that has been processed with the idea of living a clean and healthy life based on what you are putting inside of your body and eliminating known inflammatory and allergic triggers. The key to this? Everything must be clean and unprocessed. After the initial […]

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Workout Ideas After Thanksgiving

The holidays are officially upon us! Thanksgiving has passed and while everything might be merry right now, this is when I gain those few extra pounds that I never intended to gain. On that note, who’s really going to say no to food? Not this girl! Therefore, I have found us holiday-food-lovers a better alternative to turning down our favorite treats.A full body Post-Thanksgiving workout! Now, this routine is meant to be done through the course of 4 days. You’ll work on cardio, arms, legs and your abs. Each day you’ll have 5 different workouts that can be easily done […]

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Week Before Thanksgiving To-Do List

As one of the biggest holidays approaches its due date stress is a common factor, but fear not! I have written today’s blog to help you busy folk plan out this Thanksgiving day feast!Now, whether Thanksgiving is being celebrated at your house or not, it’s always nice to extend a helping hand! Here is a list of things to do to ensure that your Thanksgiving day is successful.First on our list is to buy the turkey! Never leave the main dish to be bought at the last minute or you might find yourself purchasing rotisserie chicken for your Thanksgiving meal. […]

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