registered dietician

Susan Dopart’s Saving Money with Coconut Oil

We would like to welcome Susan Dopart on to the Kelapo team!  Susan will be our resident RD for the next 6 months and will be giving you monthly healthy tips and recipes.  We are so excited to have her on board. Susan B. Dopart, M.S., R.D., C.D.E., is a nutrition and fitness expert who has been in private practice for more than 17 years. As a trusted partner who works closely with clients and their physicians, she specializes in medical nutrition-related issues, including diabetes and endocrinology, heart disease, weight management, cancer, pregnancy, infertility, PCOS, and exercise nutrition.  Susan works with […]


Patricia Bannan’s Travel Bites

Whether you travel for business or pleasure, it can be challenging to stick to your healthy eating routine. First, your time is not your own. Your flight is delayed, and you’re stuck in the airport an extra four hours, or longer. Even if you wind up driving, you can’t control traffic conditions. A trip that was supposed to take you less than an hour may wind up taking three times longer, thanks to construction, traffic jams, or just plain bad luck. Business travel has its own challenges. Once you arrive at the destination, you may put in extra hours at […]

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Patricia Bannan’s Comfort Foods with a Healthy Twist

For most of us, Halloween kicks off a season of treats and feasts that last well through the New Year.  Many of these foods come with happy memories and touch a special place in our hearts.  We call them: comfort foods.  For the most part, comfort foods tend to be loaded with fat and calories.  Think meatloaf, mashed potatoes, creamy casseroles and apple pie.  Yum!  This is not to say you can’t have some of your favorites, but with the right substitutions, you can make them healthier and your taste buds won’t even know the difference. First off, let’s talk […]

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