
Thanksgving Pies

What would Thanksgiving be without all the scrumptious deserts after the feast? We’re giving our favorite Thanksgiving pies a whole new twist this season!To start things off on the right foot, my all-time choice for any occasion, pumpkin pie! This paleo-friendly pumpkin pie recipe is one to definitely make this holiday or any other day for that matter. On this recipe, from Ancestral Nutrition, we’re going to substitute the butter used on the crust with Kelapo Ghee to get an even tastier result.Ingredients needed:PIE CRUST2 cups of almond flour1 egg2 tablespoons of Kelapo GheePIE1 can of organic pumpkin½ can of […]

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Week Before Thanksgiving To-Do List

As one of the biggest holidays approaches its due date stress is a common factor, but fear not! I have written today’s blog to help you busy folk plan out this Thanksgiving day feast!Now, whether Thanksgiving is being celebrated at your house or not, it’s always nice to extend a helping hand! Here is a list of things to do to ensure that your Thanksgiving day is successful.First on our list is to buy the turkey! Never leave the main dish to be bought at the last minute or you might find yourself purchasing rotisserie chicken for your Thanksgiving meal. […]

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