coconut oil and weight loss

Coconut Oil, Heart Health and You

How’s your heart health? It could be better by including virgin coconut oilin your diet. That’s the take-home message from a recent animal study published in Evidence-Based Complementary and Alternative Medicine and a review of studies on dietary fats and health in Advances in Nutrition. Here’s the lowdown: All fats and oils are made up of fatty acids. Some saturated fatty acids clog arteries and increase your risk for cardiovascular disease. However, the specific saturated fatty acids found in virgin coconut oil may help improve heart health in a number of ways by: 1) Preventing blood pressure from rising 2) […]

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Top 5 Foods to Add to Your “New Year Nutrition Plan”

Liza Muravyeva, Registered Dietician and Certified Personal Trainer, has put together her fitness and dieting goals for 2014. Today she shares her list of the top 5 foods that should be incorporated into your diet for a New Year, new you resolution! The New Year is finally here, and you have already planned out your workouts for the next month and your 30 day detox plan. Let’s be realistic- how long with that last? Instead of going on a crazy 500 calorie a day diet, why not incorporate healthy foods into your every day life? Make a goal to include […]

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The Best Fat Burning Cardio

With the New Year around the corner, I’m in the mindset of setting goals and aiming to shed off a few extra pounds that I’ve put on the last month. I’m a big fan of lifting weights, but also have to remember to add in cardiovascular activity at least 3 times a week. Cardio can definitely get boring at times, so I decided to try something new – high intensity interval training. I spoke with Justin Deming, NASAM Certified Personal Trainer, about the benefits of high intensity interval training to get his insight on why this type of cardio is […]

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