purchase coconut oil

Berry Up Your Diet

I love berries. I could eat an entire bowl, case, truckload of berries if left to my own devices. What makes it even better – is that they are so good for you! WebMD posted an article saying if you only change one thing about your diet this summer, berry it up. So why all the fuss? Whether it’s blackberries, blueberries, or strawberries, these fruits are rich in antioxidants and fiber. Antioxidants are believed to help prevent tissue damage and even some age-related illnesses. Fiber of course helps regulate your insides, but it can also help keep cholesterol low; which […]

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Natural Sunscreen with Zinc Oxide

There are only two things about summer I really can’t stand – sunburns and the smell of sunscreen. But as a fair-skinned maven, both are pretty much always on the menu. Nevertheless, I always deal with the smell because at least I’ll get used to it after a while; now a burn on the other hand never feels good! Coconut oil has been used a sunscreen for generations in the South Pacific, and there’s some belief it holds anywhere from an SPF 4 to SPF 10. While this may be enough for some lucky people possessing way more melanin than […]


Cut Sugar Cravings With Coconut Oil

I have always had a sweet tooth and the list of cupcakes, cookies, and cheesecake that I would love to eat could go on forever! Thankfully, my change of lifestyle over the past two years of eating healthier has helped me limit myself to sweet treats only every so often. I recently read an article about the consumption of junk food in America that caught my attention. The study appeared in this month’s American Marketing Association’s Journal of Marketing to examine how Americans are hooked on processed food containing salt, sugar, and fat. Leader of the study, Kusum Ailawadi, and […]

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